Pytchley CE Primary School

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Our School Day

Opening Hours
The school is open total of 32.5 hours per week for all children and is normally staffed between 9.00am and 3.30pm. 



Foundation & Key Stage 1


Key Stage 2

7.45 – 8.50 Breakfast Club Breakfast Club
9.00 – 10.00 Session 1 Session 1
10.00 – 11.00 Session 2 Session 2
11.00 – 11.15 Break Break
11.15 – 12.15 Session 3 Session 3
12.15 - 1.15 Lunch Lunch
1.15 – 1.30 Assembly Assembly
1.30 – 2.30 Session 4 Session 4
2.30 – 3.30
Session 5 Session 5
3.30 Finish Finish
3.30 – 5.30
Wrap Around Care Wrap Around Care

Children may arrive in school from 8.50am onwards and should enter the school from the Main Entrance. Parents may stay with their child/children and read until registration at 9.00am. At the end of the day, infant children will exit their classrooms via the side gate for collection from the playground.

Junior children will exit the school from their classrooms into the playground. Junior children are requested to come back into the school if the person collecting them has not arrived. Infant children remain with their class teacher until the person collecting them is seen.


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PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.

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