Pytchley CE Primary School

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Life with Us

We take great pride in our links with the local community.  Part of our Mission Statement is to:

“Be an integral part of the village community and its heritage, where staff, children, parents, the parish church and the wider community are welcome and share a common purpose”.

Some of the ways in which the school links with the community and takes part in village events, to which all members of the community are warmly invited include: -

  • A bi-termly service at the end of each term and annual harvest festival celebration service at All Saints Church, Pytchley
  • Infant Christmas Plays and Junior School Concerts
  • Summer Fayre – a fundraising event organised by the school and parents association. The Fayre includes Maypole dancing, singing and a range of fun stalls
  • Sports day supports the children in a series of sports activities followed by a lunch for parents, children and the community
  • The Christmas fayre, arranged by the parents association was held in the church this year
  • Year 6 leavers assembly is held annually in the church
  • Easter, Christingle and other key services are held in the church



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Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.

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